Gavita Control EL1

£250.00 (inc. VAT)

In Stock

Product Description

  • Up to 40 x Gavita lights
  • Dims & Boosts in 10W increments (from 50% – 115%)
  • Connects with 2 other devices

Product Description


Control up to 40 x Gavita e-series lights with an EL Gavita Master Controller

No timers, contactors & switchboards are needed! You can control all ballasts at once with a couple clicks.

EL1: 40 lights, 1 room, 1 temp sensor


Sunrise & Sunset Mode

Switch to Sunrise & Sunset mode to slowly dim and boost over 30 minutes!

Dim & Boost Lights In 10W Incremements

You can adjust the light output of all connected lights in 10W increments (from 50% to 115%)

No Overheating

If your grow room gets too hot, auto dim and eventually emergency shut down will kick in.

You get a warning before, and a notification after this happens.

No High Inrushes

All ballasts stay in standby mode until they get a signal from the controller to switch on.

Event Logging

You check temperature highs and lows, last autodims, last autoshutdown and more.

Choose Your Display

Output: % or watts – Temperature: Celsius or Fahrenheit – Time: 24hr or AM/PM

External Contactor Modules (EL2 Only)

You can connect 2 extra bits of kit to your controller then choose whether they switch on or off.

Easy To Use

Everything’s plug & play.

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