Bio 1 Grow

£30.00 (inc. VAT)

In Stock

Product Description

  • The product lasts up to 3 times longer than other base nutrients;
  • It contains a highly concentrated formula;
  • It contains pure raw materials;
  • It’s made at Biogreen’s highest standards of quality.

Product Description


Bio 1 Grow  is a high-performance base nutrient made for the vegetative stage. It comprises all micro- and macronutrients needed by plants for healthy development. The product strengthens your plants’ roots and ensures optimal protein synthesis. It’s made of pure raw materials. The fertiliser maximises harvest yields and ensures top-quality crops.


General Information

  • Grow 1 is part of Biogreen’s premium one component nutrients;
  • The Grow 1 base nutrient is made for use with coco coir or soil;
  • The product is a top-quality fertiliser made for the vegetative stage;
  • The fertiliser comprises micro- and macronutrients which strengthen the roots and ensure strong and healthy plant development. The N-P-K ratio stands at 5-15-8;
  • It’s available in different sizes including 250ml, 1L, 5L, and 10L;
  • It’s made from pure raw materials.



  • The product lasts up to 3 times longer than other base nutrients;
  • It contains a highly concentrated formula;
  • It contains pure raw materials;
  • It’s made at Biogreen’s highest standards of quality.


The Science

As part of the Biogreen premium one component nutrients, the product is a complete fertiliser for the vegetative phase of plant growth. During this phase, growers set the stage for the blooming phase. The fertiliser provides plants with Magnesium for protein and chlorophyll synthesis, Phosphorous for optimal root growth, and Potassium for a robust start of the blooming phase.


How to Use

Use the product starting from the 2nd day of the growth phase up to the 3rd week of the bloom phase. With soil, use 0.5ml of formula per 1L of water during the 1st week of the growth phase. Increase the dose to 1ml of formula per 1L of water during the 2nd week. During weeks 3 and 4, use 1.5ml of formula per 1L of water. During the 1st week of bloom, use 1.25ml of formula per 1L of water. Use the product alongside Biogreen’s Calgel.

Shake the bottle well before use. The product is made for use with other nutrients. Store the product in a frost-free and dark area and keep it out of children’s reach.

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