Bcuzz Coco B 10L

£24.35 (inc. VAT)

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Product Description

  • The recipes are anything but difficult to ingest;
  • The supplement is easy to use;
  • A high convergence of supplements;
  • Guarantees solid and quickened plants’ turn of events;
  • Appropriate for use with Atami enhancements and promoters;
  • Advances the colonization of the root zone with helpful microorganisms;
  • It improves your plants’ invulnerable frameworks and advances solid yield advancement.

Product Description

what is BCuzz Coco Nutrients A+B

Atami Bcuzz Coco Nutrition A&B is a top-quality 2-section supplement made for developing plants in coco substrate. The manure contains an exceptional mix of regular fixings, which offer your plants the correct proportion of supplements for ideal development. With BCuzz Coco Nutrition A&B you’ll fortify your plants’ development and accomplish a sound and rich collect. The equations improve your plants’ safe frameworks and ensure them against maladies and bugs. The manure assists with supplement retention and advances the colonization of the root region with helpful microbes. With BCuzz Coco Nutrition A&B you’ll accomplish high collect yields when developing plants in coco substrates.


General Information:

  • The items are good for use in coco developing substrates;
  • Utilize the recipes during the vegetative and blossoming stages;
  • Bcuzz Coco Nutrition A&B is a 2-section base supplement;
  • The supplements contain natural large scale and micronutrients. The NPK proportion for section An is 5-0-5. Part B’s NPK proportion is 0-4-6.

The Science:

Producers us Atami BCuzz Coco Nutrition A&B all through the vegetative and sprouting stages with plants developing in coco substrates. The 2-section supplement enables your plants to build up a solid root arrange and guarantees sound development. The recipes balance out the organic equalization in the develop substrate and guarantee ideal conditions for quickened and solid plant improvement. The high dissolvability of the supplement guarantees expanded supplement take-up and sound yields.

How to use:

Use BCuzz Coco Nutrition A&B during the vegetation and blossoming stages. Producers utilize the compost at the suggested dose of somewhere in the range of 0.5 and 3 ml/L.

Best Practices:

Atami BCuzz Coco Nutrition A&B is a 2-section supplement, which you can add to your water repository and blend completely. Initially, add section A to your supplement arrangement and mix. Pursue it with part B and blend well. Try not to include the two sections in concentrated structure. When developing in coco, modify the pH level somewhere in the range of 5.6 and 6.2. Keep the level towards the lower end of the scale as the pH will rise normally after you include the supplement arrangement. Store the items in an ensured and dull spot. Get them far from exceptionally low or high temperatures. Ensure you keep the items out of youngsters’ span.

Hydroponics Soil Coco Foliar Feed Organic
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