Optimim 24H Timer

£14.99 (inc. VAT)

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Product Description

  • 24 hour
  • 15 Minute tappet intervals
  • 13 Amp at 240 volts AC resistive
  • 8 Amp at 240 volts AC inductive
  • Timed / OFF / Constant selection
  • Captive tappets

Product Description

Timers are an important part of hydroponic growing.

Without a timer, your lights will be on all the time leading to a constant vegetative period and higher electricity costs.

Plants rely on the length of the day to get their signals of when to vegetate and when to set flowers for fruit. You can get your plants to flower by decreasing the day length, in a way that resembles the approach of autumn. Outside plants sense the fading light and set their fruit so they complete their cycle before winter begins.

All of this can be replicated indoors, on a time scale that suits you.


How to Use

The timer has an override switch with three positions:

The ‘0’ position means the timer will be off.

The ‘I’ position means the timer will provide power 24hrs a day.

When the override switch is on the clock face, the outer ring timers will be in operation.

To use the tappets, out is on and in is off. Each tappet represents 15mins.

Do not use a standard timer like this on more than 600w of lighting as it can be unsafe from an electrical standpoint. Always use a contactor such as the maxiswitch if your lighting more than 2 fixtures.

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