Dutch PRO Take Root

£20.75 (inc. VAT)

In Stock

Product Description

  • Stimulates extraordinary root growth
  • Improves cell division, cell elongation and nutrient transport
  • Increases nutrient absorption
  • Contains vital micronutrients and hormones
  • Suitable for every irrigation system
  • Optimal absorption by the plant
  • No residue

Product Description

What is “Take Root”

“Take Root is a growth stimulant capable of radically improving the inner and outer qualities of young plants. The active components are of natural origin, including the plant hormones and micronutrients. During the first few weeks a plant is at its most vulnerable for fungi- and bacteria related diseases. Often, because young plants have mineral, hormone and vitamin shortages. Take Root contains several plant hormones and micronutrients, that boost the cellular division, cell elongation and nutrients transport, all of which help with overall root development during early vegetative growth. The high-quality components will completely be absorbed and leave no residue behind.

Boosting cellular division is of major importance, especially in the beginning of your young plant’s life. Because of cellular division, plants grow and become less vulnerable against bacteria- and fungi related diseases. The better this process goes, the stronger and healthier your plants will be all along the cycles. Cell elongation on the other hand is the next step to make sure your plants will be strong and healthy to get a great end result. Transportation of nutrients is vital for a plant to grow strong and produce great yields at the end of the cycles.

With cell elongation, a protein called ‘Auxin’ loosens the cell wall, so the cell can elongate and absorb more nutrients. Take Root stimulates this process, so a cell can absorb at maximum capacity. The more nutrients a cell can absorb the faster your plants will grow and the healthier they will be!

How to use Dutch PRO – Take Root

Take Root can be used in any type of system; Soil or hydro.


It is specifically tailored for the vegetation phase, and can be used on cuttings all the way through until the first 2 weeks of flower.

You should mix your nutrients to your normal strength and then add Take Root at a dose of 1ml/ Litre

Always shake nutrients vigorously before use.

Mix each nutrient into the reservoir in turn. Never mix concentrated nutrients together.

If in doubt, follow the Dutch pro feeding schedule.

If tips of leaves start to show signs of nutrient burn, you should flush the entire system and lower your dose of nutrients.

Take Root is intended for cuttings and vegetative plants. Do not feed to plants late in flower and fruiting.

Safety notice

MSDS Take Root

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